Other Ways to Help

Other Ways to Help

There are a number of ways you can support Placer Food Bank in our mission to end hunger in our community. Whichever avenue you choose, you can be assured that your donation will have maximum impact. Eighty-six percent (86%) of every dollar we receive goes directly to programs and services to feed the hungry.

Vehicle Donations

Your used or unwanted vehicle donation can help to build and expand our programming and feed more people. Contact our Director of Finance and Administration, for more information about vehicle and property donations.

Workplace Giving

Stretch your gift to the Food Bank by involving us in your workplace giving programs.

Matching Gifts

Your Company may double or even triple your cash donation! Check to see if your company matches your charitable contributions.

Processing an employer match is easy. Just complete the forms supplied by your employer and mail it to us with your donation — we’ll handle the rest!

If you’ve already made your donation, you can still mail us the completed matching gift form, and we’ll verify receipt of your donation and mail it back to your employer to request the matching funds.

Payroll Deduction

Did you know you can designate Placer Food Bank to receive an on-going or one time gift via your employers Payroll Deduction program? Check with your employer to see about designating Placer Food Bank as your charity of choice through payroll deduction.

Workplace Campaigns

Designate the Food Bank to receive your donation through campaigns conducted in your workplace. Workplace campaigns include:

  • United Way – United Way Certified Agency #3085
  • California State Employee Campaign

Planned Giving

Your legacy gift will help ensure the Food Bank will always be here, working to end hunger and feeding those in need. If you are considering making a planned gift to the Food Bank, we suggest you seek the counsel of your financial advisor, attorney or insurance professional.


Remembering the Food Bank in your will or revocable trust is a meaningful way to leave a legacy. These gifts make it possible for the Food Bank to plan ahead as we work to nourish our community and end hunger.

Life Insurance

You may enjoy tax benefits by designating the Food Bank as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy. Ask your insurance professional for additional information.

Shop Amazon

You can support Placer Food Bank by shopping at AmazonSmile. When you shop at AmazonSmile, a portion of your proceeds will be donated to Placer Food Bank.